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Section: Dissemination

Teaching, supervision, thesis committees


Patrick Héas gives a course on Monte Carlo simulation methods in image analysis, at université de Rennes 1, within the SISEA (signal, image, systèmes embarqués, automatique) track of the master in electronical engineering and telecommunications.

François Le Gland gives

Valérie Monbet gives


François Le Gland and Valérie Monbet are jointly supervising one PhD student

François Le Gland is supervising three other PhD students

Valérie Monbet is supervising two other PhD students

Mathias Rousset is supervising one PhD student

Patrick Héas has been supervising two post–doctoral fellows

Thesis committees

François Le Gland has been a member of the committee for the HDR of Christian Musso (université du Sud, Toulon).

Mathias Rousset has been a member of the committee for the PhD thesis of Gérôme Faure (CERMICS Ecole des Ponts Paris-Tech and CEA DAM, advisor: Gabriel Stoltz and Jean–Bernard Maillet).